The sky was gloomy and we(plus Mr Mole) cont to go ahead as planned.
We reach east coast and unloaded our stuff.
As we were unpacking our stuff,
E rain turn from drizzle to a really heavy downpour!
But it only takes around 5 for e rain to stopped.
Our barang barang
As its my first time fishing i dun even know how to tie e knots!
Must really thank e following mr mole with everything!
This is baits we used!
Shades are really important for fishing as it really helps to view the sea clearer!(look at e gloomy weather behind me)

This is our one and only fish caught.
Is caught by me btw haha...
It look lyk a mudskipper, but i think is a small catfish.

Afterwhich we call for e day as the weather really sux!
Met Janessa for majong and she cheated me twice.
E present & bei feng!
I'll always rem!
Ps: Fishing is fun! Esther lets go together soon haha...