Finally after 13 long mths,
My life as an AP is over!!!
Though as an ASA means of a higher statues in camp,
But it also mean i wun be gettin my combat pay la!!!
100 bucks leh
So should i be happy or vice versa!!!
Save and scumb is e only ways to pass my days now...
Despite e disappointment i get from my work,
finally win money from majong la haha...
Lyk finally haha...
Though is not much but is still a gud start!!!
Wat do u think with ppl who got seriously got ATTITUDE PROBLEM?!?!
I mean if u play only to win,
den why play?
U certainly will not win everytime.
If tt's e case,
everytime u r not winning den u start showing face den wat's e point?
I know i cant expect everyone to play lyk a gentleman,
but if i know i, myself who cant afford to lose den i wun play!
I would rather stay at home and suck on my toes and cry la!!!
Players to compliment on the majong table so far:
Peishan, Ryan, Peishan mother, Gina, Gina's fren, Rachel, Bernard, Brandon, Joseph, Ah Hwa, Huan Yu( if i spell correctly), Kat, Fel & Khai boon.
Some might not be gud players,
But at least they dun show attitude.
GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps: Sry as i might hv accidently forget to mention ur name...
Tuesday, December 4
10:38:00 PM