Decided to change my Template & therefore had to get another new Tag Box haha...
So Visitors do tag me...
Well, been slacking at home for 2 days le...
Actually wanted to go to gym & play some light basketball, but e weather spoil everythin!!!
Do u hate it when u couldn't control certain things?
I lyk to be in control
I lyk to plan things before hand
But damn hate it when kites were fled when things are planned!!
Well tt's me haha...
Tmr will be a brand new start of my army life...
I've slack enough and i'm looking forward to be working hand in hand with Commander SI!!!
He is one of e reason i decided to stay in Stagmont!!!
All e best whoosh...
ps: Steph, know wat is more important now!!
Some stuff cannot be plan
Take care & rem wat i always tell u till today?!?!
I'l be dere :>...
Thursday, September 27
8:32:00 PM