Fri i went back camp and was excited as i always enjoying doin things n now rot at home la....
But e first bomb shell is way to big when mdm Carol called me tellin me she is on urgent leave...
Is lyk my first day back in camp n First time working with Commander SI..
E biggest fuck in my camp la haha...
I was lyk damn haha...
Lucky my rapport with Col Tew is always been gud so not tt bad la...
Did e usual stuff and i was lucky not to make a mess n infact i got a praise from him which make my day!!
I'm honoured to be part in e team which will be able to make a change next time(although i had homework la and i stay back till quite late)!!
Well uncle Tew is gettin post out soon!!!
Gonna miss him dearly!!!
Tmr is another brand new wk i shall work hard whoosh...
Sunday, September 30
9:22:00 PM
Thursday, September 27
Decided to change my Template & therefore had to get another new Tag Box haha...
So Visitors do tag me...
Well, been slacking at home for 2 days le...
Actually wanted to go to gym & play some light basketball, but e weather spoil everythin!!!
Do u hate it when u couldn't control certain things?
I lyk to be in control
I lyk to plan things before hand
But damn hate it when kites were fled when things are planned!!
Well tt's me haha...
Tmr will be a brand new start of my army life...
I've slack enough and i'm looking forward to be working hand in hand with Commander SI!!!
He is one of e reason i decided to stay in Stagmont!!!
All e best whoosh...
ps: Steph, know wat is more important now!!
Some stuff cannot be plan
Take care & rem wat i always tell u till today?!?!
I'l be dere :>...
8:32:00 PM
Sunday, September 23
Yest i had a primary school gathering over at wan sheng pub over at clake quay...
Meet kelly first after which saw Wan sheng, Caline, Sam, Cynthia and Vincent.
So pai seh i couldnt recall ur name initially!!
Initially, i was pretty scare n awkward to hv this gathering haha...
It's been yrs since i last saw them except for Sam n Kelly la...
But after i saw them is lyk back in e old days Tcss!!
Although i was quite disappointed as it turn out to be a small crowd but nonetheless We really did enjoy ourselves very much!!!
Small group also gud la!!
Den we got a better chance to tok to everyone!!!
Biggest change is Caline(Caline currently an OL dealing with ISO stuff)!!
Still rem her being very small tiny n boyish but now a true lady!
Tall, glam and really nice to tok to haha...
Learn tt she was a nation netballer in e past n she told me lots of her past...
Only one word to describe...
Let's tok abit about Wan Sheng(currently an army regular)!!
Back in the days i still rem he is always holdin on to e ping pong racket trainin away...
He is one of the few gud players back in e past!
Now i consider him a chance grabber la...
He is an entreprenuar now la!!!
Hai...wat am i???
Cynthia (Cynthia currently a student at SIM now)...
Last time she is one of our click...
I still rem we always after school will stay around at auntie shop to play!!
She didnt really change much la...
But is really a wasted chance as i didnt really tok to her!!!
There is always next time!!
My badminton partner back in e past...
Still rem all e sweat n blood we share together!!!
If time permits i really hope we can go play together again!!!
Well, i really enjoyed myself very much!!!
Next outing when when when?!?!
This is a phrase tt i come across lately!!!
Life only pass us once. Today's moment
becomes tomorrow's memory. Enjoy every
moment, good or bad, cause the gift of
life is life itself.
So True!!!
7:12:00 PM
Wednesday, September 19
Tuesday, September 18
Went back to camp yest(mon) & to my suprise alot of things have change haha...
I was so bored to tears till i doze off so many times la....
Cannot stand nothin to do!!!
But Carol told me i'll be takin over Commanders PA is it a gud thin?!?!
9 more mths to go ar!!!
Intial plan is to go back today also but there's really nothin to do so i skip gg today...
And so Went to meet xiao mei for lunch at sakae compass(so qiao she call me)...
Suprisingly she is earlier den me today....
But as usual her grumpyness lol...
Another surprising news is tt she went to watch 881 la...
Imagine a potato watchin such a dialect movie haha...
k la, i'll company u during Dec haha...
After meeting her i went to gym...
Saw jackson and had a little catch up....
Did my usual stuff n stay there for 2hrs...
Nowadys there's really alot of little kids gg to gym...
After which i walk home hopfully get a light tan haha...
Afterwhich went to play Basketball...
Why i so on today lol...
I can forsee a bad aching body tmr damn....
10:31:00 PM
Sunday, September 16
Alot of guys will be envying me when i tell them i actually had a total of 9mths MC since i got enlisted last yr june(tt is minus those 1, 2 days of mc)
During my BMT days, i still vividly rem all e fun and punishment we had!!!
But i always ask my tekong frenz 'given a chance will u experience tekong life over again?'
As for me, i will wan to go through it all over again minus afew idiots & also minus e field camp haha...
can u imagine not bathing for 7 days!!!(scatch scatch)
Upon POP, i was posted to Stagmont camp as a signaller...
Intitally i was damn piss at myself for not able to go to command sch la...
I did reasonably well for SIT test but fail my IPPT with a short of 2 chin up argh...
When i got there i still rem i was not alone....
Alot of frenz from my company got e same postin as me...
After a wk, i got out of course as i dislocated my left ankle outside!!!
got myself 3mths 3 wks of mc for tt....(i still rem how bad i twisted my ankle, it was perpendicularly 90 degrees twisted inwards)
Upon recovering i went back to camp n was given lots of responsiblities!!
I was lucky to hv very very nice superior in SI!!!
Around may this yr, i was send to do a MRI scan and they discover i hv a tear in my ligament...
My Doc advice me to go through e opr so he can reconstruct my ankle la...
Went through it all over again...
Staying home for e gud 1 mth plus as i cant walk...
Tmr is my first time back to camp to work after so long...
Going to help Weijie stand in for 2 days...
But guess i'll start gg back to camp although my mc still haven finish...
So at least i can giv myself an excuse not to play majong so much haha...
Hope i can wake up tmr....
9:56:00 PM
Saturday, September 15
George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld are sitting in a bar.
A guy walks in and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Rumsfeld sitting over there?"
The bartender says, "Yep, that's them.”
So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?"
Bush says, "We're planning WW III."
And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?”
Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big boobs."
The guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big boobs? Why kill a blonde with big boobs?"
Bush turns to Rumsfeld and says, "See, I told you .. no one CARES about the 140 million Muslims".
8:17:00 PM
Friday, September 14
All thx to Stef i woke up real early yest at 740 hrs la damn...
But suprisingly i wasn't tired at all...
Meet Mr kit for lunch at jacks(compass)...
Was showered with lots of free stuff and was lyk damn full la!!!
Heard from Mr kit he is mastering e skills of teipanyaki and he show me a clip of it...
Well i can say is jus lyk a bartender la...
Is a skill u learn not to earn a living but to attach gals can(I know ur intention Mr Kit)
Pattern more den badminton...
Heard he is selected to hao lian today to be firm down to show it durin his D&D next mth...
Proud of him...
After lunch went over to meet my xiao mei(stef),
Her every grumpy attitude nv fail to show when i see her,
But i jus lyk to piss her off further...( lyk tt la)
Caught Evan Almighty...
Plot & stuff was expected, but overall i had a gud laugh as i always enjoy comedy!!!
Hope i can get onboard e Ark which is lyk a roller coaster la so fun...
ARK ----> Act of Random Kindness
(Xiao mei, know ur priorities)
After finish disturbing her, i went for my regular Mj session at nana hse...
Brought them donuts form missy donuts...
one word to discrible (SWEET)
Fei & ryan is down with sore eyes(get well soon should we can go for k this sun)
played for 11/2 rounds den supper at Ave 8...
I guess i should really start gg back camp although my Mc ends only durin end of this mth...
I need to get rid of this bad addiction haha...
Evan plz save ME....
2:29:00 PM
Wednesday, September 12
After wat happen yest i've decided not to go for any phsio anymore!!
Everytime i goes for my review,
my therpist will always ask me do stupid stuff which i can do it myself...
So instead i went gym in e noon haha...(so PROUD of myself)
But to my suprise, its pretty crowded la...
Ask e instructor when is e off peak timing to come as i dun wan to wait for e equipments...
(also damn shy as i'm so unfit now la)
Another sight suprises me is tt little kids and i really mean little kids go gym nowadays...
I always hear from frenz tt if we start pumpin to young, we'll hv a hard time growing taller...
And how basketball help to grow taller..
Myths? Truth?
God Bless To Them...
I can already forsee how badly i'll ache tmr...
[Go back camp or go out with kit] Pondering...
7:31:00 PM
Tuesday, September 11
I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
That you belong with me
You might think
I dont look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
Im attached to you
I'm weak
It's true
Cuz i'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cuz my heart keeps falling faster
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So i will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life i've waited
This is true
You don't know
What you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
It's true
Im just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know u met me?
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So i will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life i've waited
This is true
I know when i go
I'll be on my way to you
The way that's true
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So i will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life i've waited
This is true
This song has been with me for a few mths...
Close frenz should know wat i mean by tt right...
After so long i'm finally beginning to let go...
But netherless, my feelings for 'her' in e past will always be true...
11:01:00 PM
Damn stupid of me to think tt today is e day for my phsio at TTSH la...
Took a no. and was freaking happy to be called in last den 2 mins, but when i went in e receptionist said 'sorry Mr Teo, i think ur review is tmr'
diarrhoea day 6 and gg strong!!!
5:26:00 PM
Although this is my second time creating a blog, but i hope to start everything anew by entitling this post as my virgin post...
Many stuff has happen this few yrs
Lots of new frenz made,
Lots of new resposibility,
Lots of lesson learned,
Lots of love one lost!!!
But well, life goes to title my blog Para El Desconocido(for e future)
and my add for this blog(u should know by now) eds-futuro---->ed is short form for my chinese name ende & futoro(future)...
Well enough of explantion!
Last night was fun with all e guys havin chalet at sentosa.
Went to Cafe Del Mar...
Is a nice chill out place n somehow or rather i went to know 1 gal name viven(must be all e alcohol we had)
I'm not those typical guy who lyks to pick on gals(i'm not gay btw)...
We had fun and i meaan lots of fun lol!!!
Lookin forward for the start of my army life once again, so tt i can giv myself a reason to quit the majong addiction lol...
Wow i didnt know i can come out with so much rubbish on my first post
Last but not least gud luck to Xiao mei(stefanie) & lizi on their start of their prelim later in e day!!!
(who should i giv first to)
2:31:00 AM