Today i've come across something really funny...
A guy from other unit came to look for someone in my office.
Have you heard little boys who haven reach puberty?
Yes tt's his voice...
In addition, his action and the way he tok is damn sissy la...
At that point of time i was already laughing lyk crazy alr, as he pace around my office to clarify some stuff on the phone with his colleague...
What happen next almost break me into tears la.
As he need to retrieve his document so he say damn loud his name...
This was my exact words tt comes out from his mouth...
Sissy: Hi,I'm CPL Lin, can i retrieve this (confidential) from you.
Me: Ok can, can i have your full name and IC no.
Sissy: ok can, my ic no. is, S875xxxxA and my name is Joe Lin
Me: Jo lin!!!!!!!!
Sissy: Joe lin....
Me: hahahahhahahahahhahhahaa.....sorry can i clarify is it Jo lin!
Sissy: ya...
Me: hahahahahhahahaha ok ok can i know how to spell it?
Sissy: (wrote down his name and paper)
Me: hahahahahahahahah....sorry please pardon me...hahahahhaha...
I know i'm damn evil la!
But times lyk this i had no control over lol...
Ps: So eventful today la...
U know who u r :)
Tuesday, March 18
9:27:00 PM