R u someone who loves to stay at home and rot?
Den u must be envying my life now!
This yr alone,
I guess i've stayed at home to recuperate for more den 6 mths
No joke!
Was staying home since monday and till now it still hurts and swollen (",)
Damn damn damn....
Was reading this book entited Speed of Trust by Stephen R.Covey
A gift from COL Tew.
Will Blog e content once i've completed e book.
Still remember e first book i read by him was 7 Habit of highly effective teens.
It was lent to me by my form Treacher during Sec 2.
The book although didnt change me dramatically but it certainly help in milding down my character at tt age.
Hate staying at home.
Get Well Soon.............
Friday, November 23
2:13:00 PM