Friday, November 30
9:56:00 PM
Monday, November 26
Went to pai pai my late Ah ma today...
Is her 1 yr death anniversary...
Ah ma u'll always be remembered!
Afterwhich went for some retail therapy at Bugis despite limping.
Was really in pain and tried on some shoes.
In the end, brought myself a pair of Crocs.
Was so comfortable la!
Den was to TTSH for a checkup.
Dr Wong told me something tt ease my mind.
He say i should be fine after some rest!
But he gave me another 2 wks of MC, beofre another review!
Think i really will stay at home to be a gud boy this time to let it heal...
Ps:Rabster think only u'll scream with joy for staying at home whaha...
9:20:00 PM
This mail was sent to me from Cynthia
There's some truth on my side...
Wat bout u?
January 01 - 09 ~ Ass
January 10 - 24 ~ Slug
January 25 - 31 ~ Cockroach
February 01 - 05 ~ Parasite
February 06 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
February 15 - 21 ~ Skunk
February 22 - 28 ~ Snake
March 01 - 12 ~ Ape
March 13 - 15 ~ Cockroach
March 16 - 23 ~ Slug
March 24 - 31 ~ Parasite
April 01 - 03 ~ Ass
April 04 - 14 ~ Snake
April 15 - 26 ~ Slug
April 27 - 30 ~ Skunk
May 01 - 13 ~ Slug
May 14 - 21 ~ Bullfrog
May 22 - 31 ~ Cockroach
June 01 - 03 ~ Slug
June 04 - 14 ~ Skunk
June 15 - 20 ~ Ass
June 21 - 24 ~ Ape
June 25 - 30 ~ Parasite
July 01 - 09 ~ Slug
July 10 - 15 ~ Ass
July 16 - 26 ~ Bullfrog
July 27 - 31 ~ Parasite
August 01 - 15 ~ Ape
August 16 - 25 ~ Slug
August 26 - 31 ~ Skunk
September 01 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
September 15 - 27 ~ Parasite
September 28 - 30 ~ Ass
October 01 - 15 ~ Ape
October 16 - 27 ~ Skunk
October 28 - 31 ~ Snake
November 01 - 16 ~ Cockroach
November 17 - 30 ~ Parasite
December 01 - 16 ~ Ass
December 17 - 25 ~ Ape
December 26 - 31 ~ Bullfrog
If you are an Ass:
A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.
If you are a Slug:
Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath.God bless the person then!
If you are a Cockroach:
Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....
If you are a Parasite:
An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
If you are a Skunk:
You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what the best trait of you guys remains.
If you are a Bullfrog:
You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware; it is easy for you to fall in love....
If you are a Snake:
You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.
If you are an Ape:
Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quickly as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique..You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
8:51:00 PM
Sunday, November 25
I'm really sway to e max recently!
First was my health.
Been spraining my back recently.
As u know e latest addition was my stupid left ankle!
So very afraid to go under knife again!
Guess i really gotta giv up on basketball le...
Secondly was my bad luck at majong table.
Is not i dunno how to play,
But watever 5 folds i waiting for wil nv come la.
Played 4 rounds yest and e stake is 20 40.
Know wat i lost 72 la...
Imagine how bad my luck was even 20 40 can lose 72 bucks.
Hope all this nightmare will be over soon...
1:01:00 AM
Friday, November 23
R u someone who loves to stay at home and rot?
Den u must be envying my life now!
This yr alone,
I guess i've stayed at home to recuperate for more den 6 mths
No joke!
Was staying home since monday and till now it still hurts and swollen (",)
Damn damn damn....
Was reading this book entited Speed of Trust by Stephen R.Covey
A gift from COL Tew.
Will Blog e content once i've completed e book.
Still remember e first book i read by him was 7 Habit of highly effective teens.
It was lent to me by my form Treacher during Sec 2.
The book although didnt change me dramatically but it certainly help in milding down my character at tt age.
Hate staying at home.
Get Well Soon.............
2:13:00 PM
Tuesday, November 20
Tag board up again!
Only Simin know wat happen to my previous tagboard haha...
Feel free to leave comments...
8:25:00 PM
Recent Post is bout all the sprained i had!
New addition, sprain my pai kai once again!
Was really freaking in a state of shock when tt happen yest!!
Telling myself tt is jus a light sprain at e basketball court in camp.
But i was literally sitting down as i can't even limb!
I was sent to TTSH once again!
Waited at A&E for quite awhile but was trying to diverse my pain by crapping with ah boon(thanks for ya help)
I was really in pain but saw something which made me forget bout it for a moment!.
Saw a chinese worker in his 20's had a finger in a biohazard transparent bag!!!
OMG, i nearly puke can...
I try to kapo abit despite my condition and found out tt he had accidently used a nailing machine and nailed it to his finger!
All e best wor....
Now my leg is really swollen and bruise la...
Damn learning to walk for the third time this year!
How sway can i get recently!!
Maybe i should go to e temple to da xiao ren...
Ps: Happy Birthday shan shan...
3:12:00 PM
Sunday, November 18
Last night i hardly sleep for 3hrs la...
Was bascially getting myself awake coz of e stupid sprain argh...
If tmr morning the pain still there, guess i'll giv camp a miss!
Went nana hse for Majong today and i lost again.
This mth alone lose almost 200 hundred bucks le.
After which went to botak jones for dinner.
I think is so popular is coz of e uniqueness of there dishes.
We had salmon, fish and chips, cajun chix & cesar salad.
Nothing to shout about except their fries!
Their fries is suppose to be abit spicy coz of the chilli powder!
But for a non-spicy eater lyk me, enjoyed it!
Next time i'm there guess i'll try the beef patty with CHEESE!!!
Yum yum...
Tmr will be shanshan birthday celebration.
Guess wat?!?!?!
I'm e only guy with 8 gals at least la.
Contradicting myself as to whether to attend!!
Nv attend paiseh, attend also paiseh haha...
10:59:00 PM
Saturday, November 17
SPRAINED BACK once again...
Twice in a week can u imagine...
Getting more fragile as days passes each die...
Lao le how????
Calcium tablet helps?
Went out shopping with with Stef last night.
Sry i'm late haha...
Anyway i think e dress we saw was damn nice on you!
Still rem when i know you you were Pri 6!
Now is already a young lady...
But rem, although we know each other very well,
Certain words still shouldn't come out from a lady haha...
11:38:00 PM
Monday, November 12
Sprain back sux and i'm getting it often nowadays!
Damn irritating to have to twist and turn ur body in a specific direction!
How i wish this can go away tmr when i wake up la.
Toss & Turn in e bed since 1130.
Decided to take MC tmr once again!
I see myself resting 2 days at home for playing a night of basketball.
1:00:00 AM
Sunday, November 11
So many movie i wanna watch but so little time.
I'm so gonna start Running during HLS tmr!
Hope it dun RAIN again!!!
Suffering from Pre monday blues now!
10:08:00 PM
Olivia Ong
Local Gem whom i recently discover walking down marina.
I think she really have the whole package to be in this circle.
(i'm not getting any commission for this, i dun even know her whaha)
Currently, she has 2 album under her sleeves now!
Fall In Love With & A Girl Meets Bossa Nova 2
All pack with sentimental hits!
Do check her out!
2:43:00 PM
Tuesday, November 6
Please enlighten me.
One is friendly, never fail to shower his concern to his man. Always carry a smile when he is talking to you. But has lot of stupid not relevant work to do as he is overly concern bout all his man.
Another is stern with not much expression.May look fierce but is damn nice to work with.everything he ask is straight to e point.He always think not to do Unrelevant work which in return alot of work is axed.
Given a choice, which superior do u prefer workin with?
10:24:00 PM
Sunday, November 4
It's gonna be the first day tmr to work with LTC Foo.
Hope everything goes fine :>
7:44:00 PM
Saturday, November 3
COC Last night.
All I can say is to wish COL Tew's all the best for his future endevour!
It's certainly my pleasure to be under him!
SI will certainly miss his leadership!
9:06:00 PM